Supporting Others

Supporting Others

Supporting Others

Events, Free Videos, Recommended Ministries and Therapists,
Five Pastoral Courses, Books, Sermons, Articles and Newsletters

SEEKING INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION? Check out our Events page, and see if we have a conference or course happening in your area. You might consider watching a Video of Fr. Mario. They’re only about 20 minutes long, and are also great resources for Churches. You have four to choose from.

  1. Fr. Mario giving his testimony.
  2. A sermon Fr. Mario gave on Ash Wednesday entitled, “Hell:Don’t Go There”.
  3. Fr. Mario answers seven questions pastors ask about the Church, society and homosexuality.
  4. Fr. Mario offers an explanation of how same-sex attractions may develop in some people.

To watch one, just click on the blue text, Mario’s Videos.

SEEKING A MINISTRY OR THERAPIST TO HELP A LOVED ONE? Just click on the blue text here for Recommended Ministries and Therapists and you’re likely to find a resource close to where you live, anywhere in the world.

SEEKING DEEPER UNDERSTANDING? Click on the blue to text to find out how you can go through all five of RLI’s Pastoral Courses right in the comfort of your own home. There’s a small fee ($5 USD) for each teaching. Or, if you like, you may purchase our pastoral courses in DVDs, which we’ll ship to you.

You may also purchase Fr. Mario’s book, ‘Setting Love In Order’ (SLO) in English, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, Latvian, German and Swedish. Offered for free are PDF translations of SLO in the following languages: French, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us, in all our affliction, so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3.4

Also, you may find our Sermons, Articles or Newsletters helpful too, and they’re all free.